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Installing on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

OpenCost may be installed on Kubernetes clusters running on OCI or on the Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE).

You will need to install Prometheus, create your OpenCost namespace, configure your cluster pricing and cloud costs, and then install OpenCost.

Install Prometheus

Prometheus is a prerequisite for OpenCost installation. OpenCost requires Prometheus for scraping metrics and data storage. For the installation of Prometheus please use the following command:

helm install prometheus --repo prometheus \
--namespace prometheus-system --create-namespace \
--set prometheus-pushgateway.enabled=false \
--set alertmanager.enabled=false \

This will install Prometheus in the prometheus-system namespace with default settings for use with OpenCost.

If you wish to use a different Prometheus installation or work with another compatible technology, please refer to the Prometheus installation page.

Create the OpenCost Namespace

Create the opencost namespace for your installation:

kubectl create namespace opencost

Alternate namespaces may be used if necessary.

OCI Configuration

Cost Allocation

OpenCost will automatically detect OCI as the cloud service provider (CSP) by reading node information from node.spec.providerID. When OCI is detected as the CSP, OpenCost attempts to retrieve pricing data from the OCI Price List API.

No API key is required to retrieve the public pricing data.


If your cluster is an OKE cluster, OpenCost will apply enhanced cluster pricing by default.

OCI Cloud Costs


*** Cloud Costs are not currently supported for OCI. ***

You may refer to the Cloud Costs documentation for configuring Cloud Costs for multiple accounts and cloud service providers.

Install OpenCost

Helm is the preferred installation method for OpenCost.

Using the OpenCost Helm Chart

You may check out the source for the OpenCost Helm Chart or you may install the Helm chart directly to your Kubernetes cluster. Review the values.yaml for the settings available for customization. With your custom settings in the Helm values file local.yaml, install OpenCost:

helm install opencost --repo opencost \
--namespace opencost -f local.yaml

Updating OpenCost via Helm

Upgrading the Helm chart version or updating settings may be done with the following:

helm upgrade opencost --repo opencost \
--namespace opencost -f local.yaml

Installing with the OpenCost Manifest

Installing from the OpenCost manifest is supported on OCI.

For basic Kubernetes Cost Allocations without Cloud Costs or any customizations you may use the OpenCost manifest. Prometheus is still required and the Helm chart installation is recommended for anything beyond this simple use case.

kubectl apply --namespace opencost -f
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